2017 Wrapped

As we transition into a new year, it’s easy to illustrate our past year in numbers. It’s easy to calculate our expectations for the upcoming 365 days. I will be the first to tell you, new years resolutions are a bit cliche in my book. It doesn’t take the beginning of a new calendar year to cultivate a change in your life. Change can be created as soon as you choose to do so. That’s not to say, I don’t enjoy reflecting back on what the past year has given me.

Here are some highlights of my 2017 via social media. The notes and lyrics that traveled through my headphones. My written words that were read most by all of you. If you follow me on Instagram, thanks for the double taps.


I listen to A LOT of music! Music has been and will always be a passion of mine. The fact that 2017 brought us new Ed Sheeran and new Taylor Swift albums makes my heart oh so happy. I discovered Kelsea Ballerini in the summer of 2015. Ever since then she has been the artist that broke me into the genre of county music. We were also graced with a new album from her this year. I recommend giving her song “Get Over Yourself” a good listen. Flor happen to be friends of mine that released their first full length album this year. Shameless plug, go check them out RIGHT NOW. Needless to say my ears were very happy this year.

My most read blog post of 2017 was Ours Was Never Ours. I wish I could fully explain the immense amount of irony behind this. Let’s just say, the person this post is about gave me some of my most beautiful cherished memories of this past year. At the same time, he also gave me a dose of heartbreak I wish upon no one. He taught me so much about myself and others. I will always be proud of myself for the courage it took to share those words with all of you. If you read it, thank you. Thank you so very much. Many would say he doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in this post, I will politely disagree. Maybe that’s my blind optimism to blame. To the boy it’s about, I hope you’re living a life you love. You’ll always be in my heart and you’ll always live on in my words. Thanks for showing me a side of life I never knew until I met you.

Of course I couldn’t sum up 2017 without sharing my top liked Instagram photos. I am most definitely that girl that does it for the gram. (It’s my favorite form of social media) Yes, I am also that girl that abbreviates an obnoxious amount of words. I reached my most liked photo this year. My top nine Instagram photos illustrate some of my favorite things. img_0437Five of  them, are me in a swimsuit…. ok I’ll admit I have an addiction. The pool is most definitely my happy place. Two of them are from my vacation to Florida with my bestie. Of course one is at Disney World. Shout out to my girl Minnie Mouse. I celebrated 24 years this year. It was my golden birthday and that’s archived here. If you liked these or any other of my Insta pics, thanks for double tapping thinking my life is interesting or thinking I look good in a swimsuit. Here’s to hopes of breaking my likes record in 2018!

I mentioned above New Years resolutions really aren’t my thing. However, I am using the start of a new calendar year to make some lifestyle changes of my own. I am now the proud owner of a Lara Casey Cultivate What Matters goal planner. This thing is legit. It features power sheets and is full of authentic inspiration. It’s purpose is to help me cultivate meaningful goals for myself. Anything from drinking more water to managing my finances will be tackled. I cannot wait to dig in and become part of the community behind it. If this sounds like something right for you too, I encourage you check it out. Join this journey with me!

Hopefully 2018 will also bring me the start of law school. From approximately age 16, I have wanted to be a lawyer. In due time, through my own journey, I have finally reached my starting line. Many applications are on their way. That’s all for now on this subject, but I will keep you updated. Who knows this may lead me to a place I don’t know I need to be?

As I sit writing this, I’m sipping on an earl grey crema tea from my favorite local coffee shop. Over the past year, I have become what many would call a regular at Aegis. Part of my weekly routine is popping in to get my dose of caffeine and visit with the welcoming staff. I’d like to say the baristas at Aegis have become friends of mine. It’s so refreshing to walk into a business and always be greeted with an authentic smile. If I need a pick me up or a just a genuine conversation, I go to Aegis. I’ve always wanted to become a regular at a coffee shop. Now that I have, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Before this post gets away from me and I write a novels worth of words about 2017, I want to conclude with something for all of you. I want to leave you with a bit of unsolicited advice. Seven things I learned in 2017. Hopefully all of them or even just one will be beneficial to you.

  1. Express your true feelings: If you miss someone tell them. If you love someone tell them. You’ll regret it if you don’t. Unsaid words will haunt you. What’s the worst that could happen? You end up back where you started
  2. There isn’t an expiration date to your dreams: It’s never too late to chase your dreams. Chasing your dreams is one of the scariest things you’ll ever do. Sometimes that’s the part people don’t tell you about. Know that following your dreams in your own time is the best thing you can do. It’s never to late to say yes to step one towards your dreams.
  3. Do things that scare you: Say yes to dates. Change your hair color. Try a new yoga class. Without wanting to say, “step out of your comfort zone” do just that. When we tackle our fears we learn more about ourselves than we’d imagine. Do not let your fears be the compass of your decisions.
  4. Write handwritten notes: A personal touch goes a long way, for job interviews and for friends. If you interview for a new job, send them thank you note after the fact. Trust me, they’ll appreciate it and see the type of candidate you truly are. Also, send your friends just because notes. They’ll love getting it in the mail. Leave kind words on a coworkers desk. Post a sticky note on the fridge for your roommate. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing someone is thinking of you.
  5. Become a regular at a coffee shop: It means you planted roots. Your giving yourself a chance to blossom. Plus, it’s uplifting to walk into a place and feel loved. The baristas knowing your order is also a great perk.
  6. It’s ok to be a hopeless romantic: Don’t settle bc people tell you serendipitous moments aren’t real life. If you want to keep your heart on your sleeve do it. It makes you brave.
  7. No matter the distance true friends will always remain. Many of my best friends live hours and miles away from me. As the saying goes, “apart in distance, but never in heart.” In ways this can make your friendships stronger. People who want to be active in your life we remain so, distance will only be a number to them. Plus, when you finally get to see each other it makes it that much better.

Just like 2017, this blog post is coming to a close. I hope as you look forward to our year ahead you won’t let you mind stop wandering through all life’s possibilities.

Cheers to you! Cheers to 2018!

